We've reached 250 likes! 🥳🤩💓 Thank you very much for liking our page and following us for more dental updates. We were elated to have our first 100 likes so having 250 likes is unfathomable for us and our humble PhilUk Dental Corner. We wish to repay your never ending support by continuing to provide dental services with the utmost quality that our dear patients expect.
God bless us all😇 and keep safe.
COVID - 19 friendly reminders: 1. Always wear your masks 2. If you experience symptoms of COVID - 19, get checked immediately for your own safety. 3. Always sanitize your hands. 4. Promote social distancing. 5. Boost your immune system 6. Take care of your mental health during our quarantine measures. Know that our health is indispensable and should be our priority above anything. On that note, virtual hugs to everyone and take care.😍💯